
I believe that in every heartache I had, God wants me to know what it is like to feel pain, what is the reason why I should feel it, what I should realize and learn, what is its purpose and how can I make something good out of it. He lets me understand more about chaos, sufferings, helplessness and that we are all blessed in so many ways. We shouldn’t focus on what went wrong. We cannot live our lives full of complaints. Everything is a gift. Every heartache is a great experience and a personalized lesson. He gave those lessons because He wanted us to understand what we are capable of – that we are more than the stereotype of men. We cannot be blinded by pain. Pain is something that everyone has felt before. No one got exempted on hurting. He lets us feel it to know what it is like to be on the ground. We experience heartaches and sadness so that we can appreciate happiness.

Today is not an ordinary day. Today I am blessed. Today I wasn’t late for work. I didn’t got hit by a truck. I wasn’t in that bank that was robbed a while ago. I didn’t fell of the stairs. I didn’t ran out of shampoo, etc. There’s just too much that could’ve happened today but didn’t. If that today is an ordinary day because nothing awesome happened, think again because nothing bad happened either. Be thankful for those what you call boring ordinary days.

This blog is for my random thoughts, realizations and reflections in life. I do not talk much about what I did but rather what I realized and learned for the day. I do not admire tv and movie celebrities but those people with much sense, who stands up for what is right, with good heart and good intent – bloggers, writers, musicians, artists, composers, parents, responsible daughters and sons, youth leaders and newscasters. I am not a fan of those re-blogging quotations and other stuff that is already given that is why I pick wordpress rather than tumblr.  I like to learn more about this life. I like to appreciate it more. I want to live it fully (not the crazy bucket list type) but U WANT TO LIVE THIS LIFE RIGHT. I am happy with this gift. I am happy I was hurt, judged, lied to, used, back stabbed but nothing is gonna stop me from loving this precious life He has given me. I am gonna take care of it and if others don’t realize this yet, I am gonna take care of theirs if they let me to. I don’t want readers to agree with everything I blog about. Just stop by and take a glance. I hope they can also see this  world with His eyes through their hearts – everything is beautiful.

I am Tep. I am 24. I am not a writer but I have a lot on my mind so I might as well share every thought.

69 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi! It’s good to see a fellow Pinay blogger here in WP! 🙂 Love the over-all vibe of your blog. Life is indeed beautiful when we see it with the eyes of God! (p.s. why 8766 days and counting? Curious cat out here. Hihi)

  2. So much beauty and inspiration in your writings…i appreciate them so much and i admire you’re way of thinking. Indeed, every day is a blessing if you can see life trough the eyes of a higher power. And i feel blessed today for finding your amazing blog.
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for liking my latest post, i’m honored.
    Best wishes,

  3. Pleased to “meet” you Tep and your blog sounds very interesting. As you know from reading my blog, I’ve been in recovery 7 years now and I too enjoy human behavior. I like to read and respond to as many blogs as I can. It’s so much like meeting in person and hopefully will establish friendships around the world. Thank you for reading my blog as well.

    • Hi Art! It’s nice to meet you too! Really appreciate your comments on my posts. Knowing others’ opinions help me widen my knowledge about life. Thank you so much! 🙂

  4. True words that you speak which ring in a reality check for me to realize the boring days are a gift as well. I’m without a lot of material means so it seems like a lot of my days are mundane but you shed light on being thankful for everything in all circumstances and I thank you for that. Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed some of the poetry.

  5. Thank you for stopping by at my blog. I really like your positive approach to things. That is the best and what God want us to do – to learn from the negative, push it aside and being appreciative for the good things. I hope to visit frequently!!

  6. Thank you for recently visiting my blog site. You sound like a very remarkable and insightful, mature person and one who learns from those hard lessons. We do learn a great deal through our journeys in life and they can make us stronger, and often so we can help one who is weaker. Have a wonderful day, and God bless. 🙂

  7. Hi Tep!
    Thank you for liking my post. It’s such a pleasure meeting you. I appreciate the way you see life. We have so much to be thankful for…..I am looking forward to reading more of what you have to share! God bless…


  8. First, thanks for stopping by my blog. Also, I don’t believe in coincidence or luck, but by the leading of the Holy Spirit. You were sent my way, that I might find your site! I love what you said in your About page and it reminds me of this most popular scripture, Philippians 4:11-13, Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:
    I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    You, young lady are living the Scriptures and isn’t that what we all are to at least try to do? Or to put it a better way, to practice doing, as we will make mistakes, but the Word also says, we have an advocate, a mediator with the Father, Jesus Christ who intercedes for us at the right-hand of God!
    I am looking forward to following your blog and encourage you to continue to write what is on your heart for the Lord SEES the heart and He plants the desires in our hearts, the thoughts that are pure and uplifting, the thoughts that have a lesson, that teach others! God bless you for your service (ministry) to us, to ALL who pass through your posts and for serving our Heavenly Father with your life!
    I look forward to reading more, and I am putting your link on my WB Links page. Now, I follow a lot of exceptional blogs such as yours and I try to make the rounds and I love to comment on what I read, so if you don’t see a comment for a while, don’t fret, I take a day or two a week to just read and I will be around some more!
    Again, thank you so much for stopping by and I sincerely pray, God’s abundant blessings on you and His Spirit close to your heart AND thoughts!!

  9. Hi – Thanks for visiting my blog and “liking” my poem. As the saying goes, life does not come wrapped in a bow, but it is still a gift. Our trials and our pains, in hindsight, really do make us stronger if we are able to overcome them. I wish you every success in this endeavour called life!

  10. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
    ‎Jeremiah 29:11
    So often here on earth we are heartbroken and disappointed. God does not send these hardships. These hardships come from our experiences here on earth. However, just as we suffer, we can grow in the hand of God. For God so loved the world . . .

  11. Hello Tep,
    I thank you for visiting my blog.
    I like your thoughts about life, they are a lot similar to mine. I believe that pain and suffering helps you realise something more about yourself or about this world. When the storm of sadness has passed you can see the world through a clearer vision. It helps you be more compassionate.
    Waiting to hear more thoughts from you.

  12. It is so refreshing to see the positive attitude that you walk with. Life has it’s trying moments but as said by you and others it builds our character and always keeps us putting things in perspective. You got great style and I look forward to watching you grow.

  13. Body Ministry is a passion of mine. Encouraging others within the Body of Christ to use the gifts the Holy Spirit has given them to make the Body of Christ complete with Christ as the Head is a teaching not often expressed.

    With that in mind and because I follow your site and within the last several month have found inspiration, encouragement and/or instruction from your site, I am publishing the link to your site on my “Blogs Followed” page. You need do nothing in return, this is part of my ministry TO the Body of Christ. If however, you would rather not your link/site be associated with mine, please feel free to let me know and I will remove the link, no questions asked, no hurt feelings.

    In the meantime, my prayer for you and your ministry (service to others and the Lord) is that you will be continually blessed with insight, creativity and abundant blessings from the Holy Spirit as you continue in your ministry!!

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